By minimize these time
wasters, you can at least save some your daily working time and enjoy your
working life too. Below are the 5 time wasters.
1. Temptation to React
to Interruptions
Every day in your work, you
receive all kinds of interruptions ie. phone calls, walk-in customers, e-mails,
urgent meetings and extra. Herbet Bayard Swope, first recipient of the Pulitzer
Prize once said "I can't give you a surefire formula for success, but I
can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time".
2. Always Say Yes
If are new to your job or
like to please your boss, you tend to accept whatever requests from your boss
without checking on your limit that you can handle. Another possible reason is
you may be scare to decline the request. This is will increase your workload,
working long hours and stress to yourself. The quality of your work may drop as
you are overworked and tired. Therefore, learn to say "NO".
3. Unorganized Workspace
and Uncomfortable Working Environment
Highly productive workers
work from clean and organized desk. Research shows thirty percent of the time
is been wasted looking for something that is been misplaced at somewhere.
Uncomfortable chair, obstruction and glare from your computer monitor will
increase stress to your work. Working long hour using non-ergonometric chair
can cause stress and back pain to you. You always have the right to ask for
more comfortable furniture and equipment to improve your working productivity.
4. Meeting
You may just attend meeting
when you are requested to. However, have you checked what the agenda of the
meeting are? Do you think there is something that you can contribute to the
meeting? Otherwise, just politely excuse yourself from attending the meeting.
5. Indecision and Poor
Decision Making.
One of the greatest time
wasters in workplace is in making decision. Indecision and poor decision making
will not just waste your time but others as well. Generally, 80% of decisions
should be made the first time they come up. Decision Making requires courage as
every decision has certain amount of risk of failure. The reward for mastering
decision making skill is great as all successful corporate leaders today are
firm decision makers.
"You don't get paid
for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour." - Jim Rohn
Article Source: EzineArticles
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